5 Whys is a blog about technical leadership in the software world.

Kevlin Henney – 3 things every programmer should know

During the ACCU 2010 conference in London, I got to get on audio, several of the interesting people who attended and spoke at the conference.

One of them was Kevlin Henney. I first got to see him speaking during NDC 2009 in Norway. He was fascinating in the way he approached sophisticated architecture topics, and his lively and funny way of making everything more understandable.

Kevlin is also the main character behind the book 97 things every developer should know and several other books.

In this 20 minute audio mp3, we start off with a simple question: what are the three things every programmer should know? (you can watch Kevlin on this years NDC in Norway as well. I highly recommend it! (he’s also on twitter)

Download the mp3 – 20 min.

My team keeps breaking their promises. What can I do?

Interview: Patrick Kua : Agile Coach