5 Whys is a blog about technical leadership in the software world.

Elastic Leadership


  • Elastic leadership is about team context. It is about understanding that you need to lead the team differently, based on which phase you discover the team is in. The phases  can change from day to day or week to week. You keep adapting to the new phase, or you will  keep them from growing.
  • Elastic Leadership is about team transformation.  You continually drive and transform the team to get better than they are, up to the next phase. From chaos to learning. From learning to self-leading.
  • Elastic leadership is personal transformation. You may find it easy to be a command and control leader, but you'll need to learn how to teach and delegate when the team starts out it's learning  phase. In the self leading phase, you'll need to to let go of actually telling people what to do, and only change their surrounding constraints - are you ready for that? can you go a whole day without telling anyone in the team what to do?
  • Elastic leadership is personally scary. you are afraid of losing your friends, you are afraid to fail, and you are afraid of getting out of your own comfort zone to accomplish the various types of leadership for each team phase. 
  • Elastic leadership is highly effective because it looks the current situation straight in the eye, and does something to improve it. Because you assume things change constantly, you are prepared to also change things constantly, and change based upon any needs the team has as they arrive. you do not close your eyes in the face of hardship. instead you embrace it as a learning opportunity.


Lead Better - Skills for software team leads, Course next week in Oslo

Slides: Team Leadership In the Age of Agile